Products & Pipeline

Partnering Opportunities

Gastrointestinal ReProgramming
(GaRP) complementary medicine

Anatara is seeking to partner with international pharmaceutical and consumer health companies for the commercialisation of its Gastrointestinal ReProgramming (GaRP) dietary supplement product which has been designed to address the primary underlying factors associated with human gastrointestinal conditions such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), where there is a significant unmet need and market opportunity.
In February 2019, Anatara announced breakthrough positive efficacy data from its in vitro Proof of Concept studies of its GaRP dietary supplement product in both reducing inflammation and restoring gut integrity.

Further Information

Further information can be found here. With preclinical development successfully completed (further information can be found here), recruitment for a clinical trial in subjects with IBS-D commenced in August 2021.
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